Algebraic Topology
I took these notes in fall 2016 for Math 215A, taught by Professor Gunnar Carlsson.
Fundamental group
A homotopy between f:Y→X and g:Y→X is ht:Y→X such that h0=f and h1=g. A homotopy rel A is constant on A⊆X. A homotopy of points is a path φt∈X, with Y={0}. A homotopy of paths is ht:I→X, with Y=I. A homotopy of loops is ht:S1→X, with Y=S1. Homotopy equivalence is an isomorphism in the homotopy category hTop: X and Y are homotopy equivalent if f∘g and g∘f are homotopic to the identity.
The fundamental group π1(X,x) of X is the set of loops (φ:S1→X) at a base point x modulo equivalence under homotopy, with the group operation of concatenation. If X is path-connected, then π1(X,x0)=π1(X,x1). If X is simply-connected, then π1(X)=0, by definition. If X is convex, then π1(X)=0. π1(S1)=Z.
π1(X×Y)=π1(X)×π1(Y) for X and Y path-connected van Kampen theorem: π1(U∪V)=π1(U)∗π1(V) assuming U, V, U∪V, and U∩V are all open and path-connected and the base point is in U∩V. The free product is taken with amalgamation with respect to π1(U∩V). π1(X∨Y)=π1(X)∗π1(Y) if X and Y are locally contractible.
CW complexes
Induced homomorphism: A map φ:(X,x)→(Y,y) induces a homomorphism φ∗:π1(X,x)→π1(Y,y), since φ maps loops to loops. Concretely: φ∗([f])=[φ∘f] id∗=id π1:Top∗→Grp is a functor. If X retracts into A, then ι∗ is injective for the inclusion ι:A↪X. A retraction is a map r:X→A such that r(a)=a.
If X has a deformation retract into A, then ι∗ is an isomorphism. A deformation retract is a homotopy from h0=id to h1 such that h1(X)=A and ht is a retraction. We can also think of it as a homotopy rel A from id to a retraction into A.
For a covering space with projection p:X~→X, every point in X has a neighborhood U for which p−1(U) breaks up X~ into disjoint open sets, each homeomorphic to U by p. (Stack of pancakes!) The subgroups of π1(X,x) correspond to path-connected covering spaces p:X~→X (assuming X is path-connected, locally path-connected, and semilocally simply-connected): Homological algebra
A chain complex C∙ is a sequence of abelian groups (or objects in any abelian category) and homomorphisms ⋯→∂Cn+1→∂Cn→∂Cn−1→∂⋯ where ∂2=0. Cn represents the n-simplices of a space, called n-chains. ∂n:Cn→Cn−1 is the boundary map, which takes a simplex to its boundary. Zn=ker∂n are n-dimensional cycles. Bn=im∂n+1 are n-dimensional boundaries, indicating n-dimensional cycles that become homotopic after adding (n+1)-simplices. Bn⊆Zn⊆Cn, and 0→Bn→Zn→Hn→0 is a short exact sequence.
A chain map f:C∙→D∙ is a morphism of chain complexes, i.e. a sequence of homomorphisms fn:Cn→Dn such that f∂=∂f. A chain map f induces homomorphisms f∗:Hn(C∙)→Hn(D∙), taking f∗([x])=[f(x)]. ∂ is a chain map. For any sequence of homomorphisms sn:Cn→Dn, the map s∂+∂s is a chain map, but it induces the zero homomorphism. Thus, if the difference between two chain maps f−g=s∂+∂s for some map sn, called a chain homotopy, then f∗=g∗, and f and g are chain-homotopic.
The homology of a chain complex are defined as Hn(C∙)=ker∂n/im∂n+1. Hn:Comp→Ab is a functor. Hn represents “holes” enclosed by n-dimensional sheets. H0 represents connected components.
An exact sequence is a chain complex with trivial homology, i.e. ker∂n≅im∂n+1. Note that this condition already implies that ∂2=0. 0→A↪αB is exact iff α is injective. Y↠βZ→0 is exact iff β is surjective. 0→A→αZ→0 is exact iff α is an isomorphism.
A short exact sequence is an exact sequence of the form 0→A↪ιAB↠πCC→0. Zig-zag lemma: if 0→A∙→αB∙→βC∙→0 is a short exact sequence of chain complexes, then the following sequence of homology groups is exact: ⋯→Hn(A∙)→α∗Hn(B∙)→β∗Hn(C∙)→δHn−1(A∙)→⋯ with the connecting homomorphism δ.
Homology of spaces
In simplicial homology, we set CnΔ to be the free abelian group generated by the n-simplices of a Δ-complex X and boundary map generated by ∂n[v0,…,vn]=i=0∑n(−1)i[v0,…,v^i,…,vn]. In singular homology, we set Cn to be the free abelian group generated by all maps σ:Δn→X and boundary map generated by ∂n(σ)=i=1∑n(−1)iσ∣[v0,…,v^i,…,vn]. These define functors C∙:Top→Comp and induce Hn:Top→Ab. A map f:X→Y induces a chain map f♯:C∙(X)→C∙(Y) by mapping σ to the composition Δn→σX→fY (which in turn induces homomorphisms Hn(X)→Hn(Y)).
If f and g are homotopic, then f♯ and g♯ are chain-homotopic (and f∗=g∗). If X and Y are homotopy equivalent, then Hn(X)≅Hn(Y). This motivates the category hComp.
Additionally, reduced homology sets C−1=Z, with ϵ:C0→Z defined as σ↦1 extended linearly. The homology groups are denoted H~n and satisfy H~n=Hn except H~0⊕Z=H0.
H~n(∗)=0. H~n(Sn)=Z and H~k(Sn)=0 for k≠n.
The relative chain complex C∙(X,A) for A⊆X is defined as Cn(X,A)=Cn(X)/Cn(A), with boundary maps ∂:Cn(X,A)→Cn−1(X,A) given by ∂([x])=[∂x] (well-defined by a diagram chase). The relative homology groups Hn(X,A) are the homology groups of C∙(X,A). Chains in A become trivial. Hn(X,∅)=Hn(X), and Hn(X,∗)=H~n(X). A map f:(X,A)→(Y,B), i.e. f:X→Y with f(A)⊆B, induces a chain map f♯:C∙(X,A)→C∙(Y,B). Good pair: Hn(X,A)≅H~n(X/A) if A≠∅ is closed and a deformation retract of some neighborhood of X, with the isomorphism induced by π:(X,A)→(X/A,A/A).
Excision theorem: If cl(Z)⊆int(A)⊆X, then Hn(X,A)≅Hn(X−Z,A−Z) with the isomorphism induced by ι:(X−Z,A−Z)→(X,A). Equivalently, if int(A)∪int(B)=X, then Hn(X,A)≅Hn(B,A∩B).
Long exact sequence of a pair: Applying the zig-zag lemma to the short exact sequence 0→C∙(A)→ιC∙(X)→πC∙(X,A)→0, the following sequence is exact: ⋯→Hn(A)→ι∗Hn(X)→π∗Hn(X,A)→∂∗Hn−1(A)→⋯, with connecting homomorphism ∂∗([α])=[∂α] for [α]∈Hn(X,A) (and thus α∈Cn(X,A) is a relative cycle). Long exact sequence of a triple: If Z⊆A⊆X, we can easily generalize using the short exact sequence 0→C∙(A,Z)→C∙(X,Z)→C∙(X,A)→0.
Mayer-Vietoris sequence: Suppose int(A)∪int(B)=X. Applying the zig-zag lemma to the short exact sequence 0→C∙(A∩B)→(1,−1)C∙(A)⊕C∙(B)→+C∙(A)+C∙(B)→0, the following sequence is exact: ⋯→Hn(A∩B)→Hn(A)⊕Hn(B)→Hn(X)→∂∗Hn−1(A∩B)→⋯, with connecting homomorphism ∂([a+b])=[∂a]=[−∂b] for a∈Cn(A) and b∈Cn(B).
\todo Example of calculating simplicial homology
Cellular homology
Brouwer fixed point theorem
Relate fundamental group and homology
The cochain complex is obtained by applying the contravariant functor Hom(−,G) to a chain complex C: ⋯←dCn+1←dCn←dCn−1←d⋯, with coboundary map d=∂∗, so d2=0. The cohomology groups are Hn(C;G)=kerd/imd. Hom(Z,G)=G. Hom(Zn,Z)=0. Hom(Za,Zb)=Zgcd(a,b). Hom(Zn,G)=ker(G→nG). Hom(A⊕B,G)=Hom(A,G)⊕Hom(B,G).
Universal coefficient theorem: The homology and cohomology groups are related by the split exact sequence 0→Ext(Hn−1(C),G)→Hn(C;G)→Hom(Hn(C),G)→0. A free resolution F of an abelian group H is an exact sequence of the form ⋯→F1→F0→H→0, where Fi is free. Homomorphisms α:H→H′ can be extended to a chain map α:F→F′, unique up to chain-homotopy. For any two free resolutions F and F′ of the same abelian group, Hn(F;G)≅Hn(F′;G). Every abelian group has a free resolution of the form 0→F1↪F0↠H→0, with F0 freely generated by generators of H, and F1 the kernel of the surjection. Ext functor: Ext(H,G) is the first cohomology group of a free resolution of H excluding H, i.e. the first homology group of 0←Hom(F1,G)←Hom(F0,G)←0.
Ext(H⊕H′,G)≅Ext(H,G)⊕Ext(H′,G). Ext(H,G)=0 if H is free. Ext(Zn,G)=G/nG.
If Hi(X;Z)≅Zβi⊕Ti where Ti is the torsion part, then Hi(X;Z)≅Zβi⊕Ti−1.